Ospedale Marino, Colonia Dux Cagliari. Image credits: Claudio Galeno, 2022.

Este martes 3 de octubre de 2023 a las 11:00 (Hora Santiago de Chile) se realizará vía Zoom otro de los pre eventos del 18º Congreso Internacional de Docomomo que se realizará en Chile en diciembre de 2024, y que organiza Docomomo Chile.

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Las sesiones son en inglés.

Este pre evento, está dedicado a la arquitectura moderna de la salud y lleva por título The futures of modern past: Diagnosis of health architecture.

La sesión está siendo organizada por los profesores Logan Leyton de la Univ. Católica de Chile y por Claudio Galeno-Ibaceta de la Univ. Católica del Norte.

Además de una presentación preparada por Leyton y Galeno, el pre evento tendrá presentaciones de los investigadores italianos:

Marco Moro / Università degli Studi di Cagliari / Harvard University

Pier Francesco Cherchi / Università degli Studi di Cagliari

y de la profesora brasileña

Ana Amora / PROARQ Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro / DOCOMOMO BRASIL

Abajo el resumen que explica la temática de la sesión.


Health occupied a privileged place when the principles of modern architecture were established. Health architectures challenged the paradigms of their time and were key to defining the history of the Modern Movement. However, currently there is a physical high degree over these buildings, lack of knowledge and insufficient appreciation, so that it becomes essential to make a diagnosis to know what the real health of these pieces of architecture are now, since their daily nature and pragmatism leaves them unnoticed. We must ask ourselves: Are these works still capable of provide health to their users? Are they really obsolete and hopeless? How did these buildings become invisible, inert, deformed and obstructed bodies? What strategies could lead to dreaming better futures for these architectures?